
06/06/18 Hermann's Jazz Club Hermann’s Jazz Club Tickets
23/05/18 Berwick Royal Oak Theatre Berwick Royal Oak Theatre At Door
27/06/18 O Bistro O Bistro Tickets
16/05/18 O Bistro O Bistro Tickets
04/04/18 O Bistro O Bistro Tickets
14/03/18 Hermann's Jazz Club Hermann’s Jazz Club Tickets
14/04/18 Victoria, B.C. Ross Place Retirement Home 3 - 4 p.m. with Dr. Tony Genge At Door
04/04/18 Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 6 - 8 p.m. with Dr. Tony Genge At Door
31/01/18 Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 6 - 8 p.m. with Dr. Tony Genge At Door
31/12/17 Langford, B.C. Alexander Mackie 7 p.m. with Ken Campbell's Dixie Dudes At Door
27/12/17 Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 6 - 8 p.m. with Dr. Tony Genge At Door
12/12/17 Victoria, B.C. Berwick Theatre 7 p.m. with Ken Campbell's Dixie Dudes At Door
08/11/17 Victoria, B.C. Broadmead Veterans Lodge 2 p.m. Bob Morrison's Wee Big Band At Door
19/11/17 Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 5 - 8 p.m. with Dr. Tony Genge At Door
08/10/17 victoria, B.C. O Bistro 5 - 8 p.m. with Dr. Tony Genge At Door
20/09/17 Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 6 - 8 p.m. with Dr. Tony Genge At Door
09/08/17 Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 6 - 8 p.m. with Dr. Tony Genge At Door
22/02/17 Victoria, B.C. Berwick Theatre 7 p.m. with the Swiftsure Big Band At Door
05/02/17 Victoria, B.C. Hermann’s Jazz Club 3 p.m. with the Swiftsure Big Band At Door
17/01/17 Victoria, B.C. Berwick Theatre 7 p.m. with Ken Campbell's Dixie Dudes At Door
31/12/16 Langford, B.C. Langford Legion Alexander Maki 6 p.m. with the Dixie Dudes At Door
09/11/16 Victoria, BC Broadmead Veterns Lodge 2 p.m. Bob Morrison's Wee Big Band At Door
29/07/16 Victoria, B. C. Beacon Hill Park/ Cameron Band Shell 1:30 - 3:30 with Tony Genge, piano, Ken Lister, bass, Hans Verhoeven, drums, Roy Styffe, sax At Door
29/06/16 Victoria, B. C. Victoria International Jazz Festival 12:00 - 1:15 with Tony Genge, keyboards, Ken Lister, bass, Hans Verhoeven, drums At Door
13/04/16 Victoria, B. C. Hermann’s Jazz Club 7:30 with The Swiftsure Big Band Tickets
04/03/16 Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, B.C. The Old School House Arts Centre 7 p.m. with Ron Hadley, piano and Rick Kilburn, bass At Door
23/04/16 Toronto, Ontario CD Release/ West Hall Theatre Trinity Presbyterian Church West Hall Theatre - details to follow w/ Don Thompson At Door
17/02/16 Berwick Theatre, Royal Oak, Victoria, B.C. Berwick Royal Oak Theatre 7 - 8 p.m. with the Swiftsure Big Band At Door
15/12/15 Berwick Theatre, Royal Oak, Victoria, B.C. Berwick Royal Oak Theatre 7 - 8 p.m. with Ken Campbell's Dixie Dudes At Door
09/12/15 Oswego Hotel, Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 6 - 8 p.m. with Pablo Cardenas keyboards At Door
07/11/15 Lady of Fatima Church, 4635 Elk Lake Drive, Victoria, B.C. Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing Big Band Bash 7 - 11 p.m. with the Swiftsure Big Band At Door
04/11/15 Victoria, B.C. Broadmead Veterans Lodge 2 - 3 p.m. Bob Morrison's Wee Big Band At Door
16/09/15 Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 7-9 p.m. with Tom Vickery on keyboards At Door
05/06/15 Sidney, B.C. Charlie White Theatre 7-9, Swiftsure Big Band and the Red Hot Dancers At Door
18/03/15 Victoria, B.C. O Bistro 6-8,Tony Genge on keyboards At Door
19/02/15 Victoria, BC Monterey Centre 5-8:30, Bob Morrison's 10 piece band At Door
11/02/15 Victoria, BC Berwick Theatre 7-8, with Swiftsure Big Band At Door
10/12/14 Victoria,BC Monterey Centre 6-8, Bob Morrison's 10 Piece Big Band At Door
23/12/14 Victoria, BC Berwick Theatre 7-8PM with Ken Campbell's 10 piece band At Door
24/12/14 Victoria, BC O Bistro 6-8PM with Dr. Tony Genge, keyboards At Door