
23/12/14 Victoria, BC Berwick Theatre 7-8PM with Ken Campbell's 10 piece band At Door
24/12/14 Victoria, BC O Bistro 6-8PM with Dr. Tony Genge, keyboards At Door
11/5/14 Broadmead, BC Broadmead Vetern’s Lodge 2-4 with the Bob Morrison's Wee Big Band At Door
11/4/14 Victoria, BC Our Lady of Fatima Church with the Swiftsure Big Band At Door
3/8/14 Victoria, BC Cameron Band Shell Summer in the Park Series with the Miranda Sage Quintet At Door
18/7/14 Victoria, BC Cameron Band Shell Summer in the Park Series with Rob Bannister's 10 piece Band - 1:30 - 3:30 At Door
10/5/14 Esquimalt, BC Pacific Fleet Club 8-11pm ($25) At Door
6/4/14 Sidney, BC Mary Winspear Centre Swing into Spring Concert with Sidney Concert Band and Swiftsure Big Band - Call 250.656.0275 At Door
30/3/14 Victoria, BC Art Gallery of Greater Victoria Duo with Phil Dwyer - Call 250.384.4171 ex 0 At Door
5/2/14 Victoria, BC O Bistro Duo with Tom Vickery - call 250.294.7500 At Door